The Student Code of Conduct, indicates expectations of behaviour.

Students are expected to:

Contribute to a well-ordered learning environment by

  • Working to the best of their ability in lessons and on homework tasks and ensuring that all work is submitted punctually
  • Being properly equipped for school

Show respect for others by

  • Being polite and courteous to each other and refraining from bullying, fighting and name-calling
  • Being polite, courteous and honest with staff and listening to and carrying out instructions

Act in a responsible manner by

  • Doing nothing to endanger a healthy, safe and secure environment
  • Ensuring forbidden items are not brought to school

Keeping the school buildings and grounds clean and tidy, moving about in a quiet and orderly manner, avoiding areas which are deemed out of bounds and conducting fire drill in silence

Ensure the best possible attendance and punctuality

Promote a positive image of the school by

  • Taking a pride in their appearance, being smartly and correctly dressed for any school activity and when travelling to and from school
  • Ehaving in a sensible and courteous manner when travelling to and from school
  • Being polite and courteous to visitors


The school lays emphasis on self-discipline for, without discipline it is not possible to achieve excellence in any field. Discipline is not harsh or humiliating and corporal punishment is not permitted. It is our aim to imbibe in each student a sense of good manners and behaviour and to foster a sense of cooperation and respect for elders. However, keeping the interests of the entire student body in mind, it will be necessary to punish cases of anti-social behaviour. In extreme or repeated cases of indiscipline, the school may, for the well-being of the entire community, be forced to expel a student. In such cases the decision of the Principal will be final.

The school has clearly articulated expectations of its students with regard to conduct and behaviour. These expectations have been enunciated in a set of formal rules and regulations, which have been devised to ensure the smooth functioning of the school so that its educational objectives are achieved in a serene and conflict free environment.


The school believes that training in self – restraint, punctuality, integrity, obedience, courtesy and ability to distinguish between right and wrong, which ultimately leads to the development of child.