Library Rules

Library Rules

  • All the students, teachers and other employees of the school are the members of the library.
  • Members should not spoil damage or mark the page of any library book.
  • Members are responsible for any damage caused by them to the library book and shall be required to pay the penalty imposed.
  • Any damage detected in a book must be reported to the librarian before issuing the same, falling which the member shall be held responsible for the same.
  • The issued book should not be passed to the student in any regard.
  • In case a student fails, to replace a lost or damaged book within 15 days from the date of its return, full cost of the book will be charged as penalty.
  • A fine of Rs. 1.00 per day will be collected for an issued book kept beyond the date of return.
  • Silence should be observed in the library.
  • The library will remain open on all working days in school hours.