Our Expectation From Parents

Our Expectation From Parents

  • Check regularly the child’s school diary and home work/note book and ensure that all take-home assignments are completed in time.
  • Discuss with the child, problems faced by him/her in coping with the scholastic and non-scholastic activities.
  • Encourage children to read books/review/dailies suitable to their age so that they learn to seek knowledge on their own make learning a pleasurable experience for them.
  • Late comers will not be allowed to enter the school premises.
  • The name of such students will be deleted from the school record, if he/she is absent for six consecutive days, without prior permission.
  • Parents must not send their children to school when he or she is suffering from any disease. In case of sickness inform the school immediately and later send a medical as well as fitness certificate. Any child who is undergoing prolonged treatment should be brought to the notice of class teacher/subject teachers in writing by the parents.
  • If a child has an appointment with a doctor, the child should not be sent to school.
  • Producing a false medical certificate for absence from school will be penalized.
  • Parents are requested not to withdraw their wards during school hours except in unavoidable circumstances.
  • Parents are welcome to meet the subject teacher/class teacher of their wards on Parent teacher meeting day. Their positive suggestions for overall development of students personally are solicited.
  • Parents must attend the Parent-teacher meeting. In case they are likely to be out of station, prior information in writing should be sent to the Principal who will on their return arrange their interview with the respective teachers of their ward.
  • Parents will not, for any reason, go in the class during the school hours. They will contact the school authorities in case of any emergency. Point regarding any lapse on part of the teacher should be communicated to Principal/Vice Principal/Head Mistress verbally or in writing. Parents are expected to behave in accordance with keeping the school decorum high.
  • Parents will be informed in person or through the student’s diary about their ward’s misconduct, untidiness, improper uniform etc.
  • All school dues to be cleared according to the instructions given in the fee book.
  • Ensure that your ward is escorted safely to the school and back home.
  • Any other future change made in the general regulations of the school in tuition for or any other charges will be binding to parents or guardians.
  • Parents are advised to meet the Principal, Co-Ordinator or teachers with prior appointments.
  • Issue of Transfer Certificate:

    Parents requesting for Transfer Certificate of their children should submit their application together with clearance certificate duly completed to the school office in advance.

  • Issue of Various types of certificate:

    Parents requesting Principal’s signature on various types of certificate should submit the certificate/applications three days in advance. Parents are requested not to insist on issue of certificate on the spot and should be routed through school office/class teachers.

    Principal: 10 am to 12 noon on all week days or with prior appointment

    The office will remain open on all working days from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm only.