Transportation Rules

Transportation Rules

  • 1. Students who avail themselves of the school bus/transport facility should report to the assigned pick-up point at least five minutes before the stipulated time.
  • 2. The buses shall not wait for any late-comers.
  • 3. The drivers are authorized to stop the buses only at the designated stops. No diversion/extension will be entertained on existing routes.
  • 4. No student shall be permitted to board a bus other than the one to which he/she is assigned.
  • 5. Students will board the bus in an orderly manner, giving due priority to younger students.
  • 6. Parents those who have 'self' transport arrangements should ensure that their wards report to school well in time and pick up the child only after the school hours are over. No cars or any other mode of transport shall be permitted to be parked in front of the school during school hours.
  • 7. Any request to change the bus route/stop must be submitted to the Principal in writing by the parent prior to the change.
  • 8. The following acts are considered as serious violations:
  • a) Discourtesy and disobedience towards the driver or conductor. b) Changing places frequently while the bus is in motion. c) Discourtesy to other children. d) Pushing and jostling when boarding the bus. e) Trying to distract bus driver's attention f) Destroying bus property.
  • 9. If a child is found indiscipline or violating any of the above rules, the principal at his/her discretion may take any disciplinary action, even suspending the offender from the bus.
  • 10. Transport charges vary according to the distances and may be increased when the need arises.
  • 11. Anyone wishing to discontinue the transport facility should give one month's notice and pay the fee for full month. However, students opting to leave the transport facility in May will have to pay the fee upto June.
  • 12. The transport fee is charged for the entire year.